
  1. BoL (TRL: 7) specializes in predicting the presence of larvae on breeding site level in rural, peri-urban and wetland breeding sites, with a particular emphasis on Culex spp. and Aedes spp. (in mediterranean areas caspius prevails). Its design incorporates various input variables, including meteorological data, Earth Observation (EO) data, which comprises meteorological conditions, derived indices pertinent to water, wetness, and land use/cover, and direct field observation data from breeding sites. The unique combination of a Variational Autoencoder and a Random Forest classifier ensures high predictive accuracy for a lead time of 7 days. The predictions of BoL have operational use for mosquito control applications in the regions of Central Macedonia and Western Greece and they also serve as a nested model for BAd.
10/1.600 settlements (in the Region of Central Macedonia and Western Greece) – week 31/ 2022
Weekly forecast for the presence/absence of larvae in the peri-urban system for the week 31/2022. (Forecast display for 10 out of the 1600 total settlements for which the forecast runs)
In operation from 06/2022 in the Region of Central Macedonia (1000 settlements) and from 09/2022 in the Region of Western Greece (600 settlements).


Water vision (TRL: 3) is an index that detects water presence in diverse breeding sites irrespective of cloud presence by using radar satellite images from Sentinel-1 (Otsu-valley- emphasis algorithm1)






1. Ovakoglou, Georgios & Cherif, Ines & Alexandridis, Thomas & Pantazi, Xanthoula-Eirini & Tamouridou, Afroditi Alexandra & Moshou, Dimitrios & Tseni, Xanthi & Raptis, Iason & Kalaitzopoulou, Stella & Mourelatos, Spiros. (2021). Automatic detection of surface-water bodies from Sentinel-1 images for effective mosquito larvae control. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. 15. 10.1117/1.JRS.15.014507. 


BAd (TRL: 7) specializes in predicting the abundance of adult mosquitoes, especially Culex spp. and Aedes spp. (focusing on the nuisant floodwater mosquito caspius), on a settlement level. It integrates the predictions from BoL, EO data, meteorological data and geomorphological information to forecast mosquito abundance daily for a five-day period ahead. Lightgbm, a gradient boosting framework, forms the backbone of this model. It has been operational in the regions of Central Macedonia, Western Greece, Thessaly and Crete since 2020.


Mosquito vision (TRL: 8) is a smartphone application issued from the BAd models for the different mosquito species translating mosquito abundance to nuisance classes and includes citizen science functionalities for citizens to report potential breeding sites and nuisance. It provides forecasts for mosquito abundance daily for a five-day period ahead at a settlement level. It has been operational in the regions of Central Macedonia, Western Greece, Thessaly and Crete since 2020.





BAR (TRL: 7) is tailored for assessing the risk of West Nile Virus (WNV) transmission to humans on a settlement level. It embeds predictions from multiple sources, including sentinel birds and infected mosquitoes, and leverages both Variational Autoencoder and Lightgbm for enhanced accuracy. It has been operational in the region of Central Macedonia since 2020 providing a monthly prediction of risk for WNV transmission to humans on settlement level.


Urban Vision (TRL: 4) aims at urban environments, predicting the epidemiological risk of WNV by considering factors such as vegetation, number and water presence in catch basins, and demographic data, with Random Forest as its development methodology. It provides a seasonal (3-month) forecast of epidemiological risk per building block allowing for prioritization of mosquito control applications. It is currently operational for the metropolitan area of Thessaloniki.






*TRL: Technology Readiness Level