Participation of Ecodevelopment in the event “Drones in plant protection” at the Novi Sad International Agricultural Fair, May 2023

With the participation of our company and upon the invitation of AGRODRON in Ecodevelopment as a prominent company in Greece, the first specialized event/conference on drone spraying was held, which presented the challenges, the prospects, the developing projects as well as the changes in legislation of the licensing framework for drone spraying applications.
Representing Ecodevelopment, Nikos Kelemenis, the company’s SSEA Manager, participated in the event program, with a recorded presentation of the company’s activity in mosquito control and the legal challenges and solutions for the use of spray drones in Greece, which was presented as an official part of the conference program.
The event “Drones in plant protection” was held during the International Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad on 24 May 2023, which is the largest agricultural gathering in the region (the fair has 140,000 visitors in 7 days).
The event was supported by the Biosense Institute and the Institute for the Application of Science in Agriculture (official extension services/advisory organizations).