Precision Agriculture

Precision Agriculture (PA) is a field management system based on information and technology. It utilizes the soil heterogeneity of the plots to maximize the efficiency of crop inputs. Precision agriculture methods are the most appropriate tool for sustainable management of production and the rural environment.
At Ecodevelopment, building on our many years of experience in the field of environmental applications, we have designed, developed and now put on the market a range of services for fertilization, irrigation, plant protection and harvesting for large crops, tree crops, vines and vegetables.


PA is to a large extent the modern trend in primary production. The main challenge it faces is the confusion in which its potential users have found themselves for many years due to the fragmented way in which they have received similar but incomplete and ultimately inefficient services. However, it will also have to face individual challenges in the long term as the adoption of precision farming methods has been proven to be a systematic way of helping the producer:

  • Save valuable time by planning his operations in time
  • Secure better prices for his inputs
  • Save on agricultural inputs
  • Facilitate applications by using modern tools and digital maps
  • Improve the quality characteristics of its products
  • Enjoy higher yields per hectare in the long term
  • Maintain the sustainability of his fields
  • Facilitate its integration into technological modernisation and environmental protection programmes


Our approach in relation to Precision Agriculture is based on the following pillars:

  • The functional interface of precision agriculture applications and traditional consulting
  • The individualisation of applications for each grower
  • The provision of alternatives tailored to the customer’s capabilities and constraints
  • The use of the large amount of real data for the continuous improvement and development of our services

The PA services we formulate and offer to our clients are based on the latest technological tools, such as satellite and aerial multi-spectral imagery, soil sensors, variable rate fertilizer dispensers, yield mappers, etc., which are functionally combined with more traditional technologies, such as soil analysis and foliar diagnostics.
The data collected are analysed by a multidisciplinary team of highly trained scientists and provided in the form of advice and alternatives to growers.
In addition, we have a proprietary fleet of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle systems) to carry out mapping, imaging and spraying missions and adequately trained staff for their use.

At Ecodevelopment we develop in collaboration with the client precision agriculture services tailored to their needs. These services, which have been designed to include “packages” of individual actions, are as follows:



PreFer (Fertilisation management of large crops) Customized to the client’s needs, a package of precision fertilization services for large crops (rice, corn, cotton, wheat, etc.) that can include:

  • Detailed field mapping
  • Establishment of management zones
  • Fertility assessment
  • Full fertilisation advice by zone (basal and surface)
  • Adaptation of digital variable rate fertilisation maps for each type of fertiliser application
  • Satellite monitoring of crop development
  • Guidance of the producer during applications
Opóra (Management of tree crops) Customized to the client’s needs package of precision fertilization services for tree crops (olive, cherry, etc.) that can include:

  • Detailed mapping of the orchard at tree scale
  • Fertility evaluation and agricultural practices
  • Management zoning
  • Complete fertilization advice per zone (basal and surface)
  • Monitoring of the physiological and phytopathological condition of the trees (stress) with a drone
  • Guidance of the grower during applications
Prèmno (Vineyard management) Tailored to the customer’s needs, a package of precision vineyard and vegetable fertilization services that can include:

  • Detailed mapping of the vineyard at stump scale
  • Fertility assessment and agricultural practices
  • Management zoning
  • Full fertilisation advice per zone
  • Monitoring of the physiological and phytopathological condition of the stumps (stress) with a drone
  • Guidance of the grower during applications
  • Maturation maps
  • Configuration of terroir units