Ecodevelopment in the Caribbean

The actions taken by Ecodevelopment to prevent the reemergence of malaria in our country since 2011 are an example for Caribbean countries to follow.

On April 25-27 in Castries, Saint Lucia, the Caribbean Public Health Organization (CARPHA) hosted the 68th annual conference on health research. As part of this conference, the Special Programme for Research & Training on Tropical Diseases of the World Health Organization (TDR/WHO), the Caribbean Vector-borne Diseases Network (CariVecNet) and the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) organized a special session entitled “Malaria Elimination: From operational research to implementation” on the afternoon of 25th  April 2024.

Spyros Mourelatos was the keynote speaker in this special session, and his speech focused on “Addressing the re-emergence of malaria in Greece”. Ecodevelopment, since 2011, has implemented response plans in 8 of the 16 foci (accounting for 78 of the total 114 autochthonous cases in Greece, out of a total of 157 cases across Europe).

At this session, presentations were also made by the representative of the Pan American Health Organization, two researchers from Harvard University, a researcher from the Institute of Tropical and Public Health in Switzerland, and the heads of the malaria response programmes in Suriname and French Guiana (see the agenda here).

The session was moderated by Dr Horace Cox, Asst. Director Surveillance, Disease Prevention and Control and Head of Vector borne Diseases, CARPHA , and Dr Florence Fouque, representative of TDR/WHO, along with the other speakers, participated in an open discussion at the end of the session.

For more on the conference click here.