Green transition in rice cultivation: Τhe example of the Ecodevelopment partnership with the Kostas Kravvas estate

The 7th informative workshop of the Union of Greek Regions on “Adaptation of the Region of Central Macedonia to Climate Change” was held yesterday, Tuesday April 2nd 2024, in the hall of the Regional Council of the Region of Central Macedonia (in the framework of the LIFE-IP AdaptInGR project “Enhancing the implementation of climate change adaptation policy in Greece”).
In the context of this workshop, the presentation of Mr. Kostas Kravvas on “Precision Agriculture as a means for the Green Transition: the example of a rice farmer in Thessaloniki” made an impression. In his speech, Mr. Kravvas presented a concrete example of how the application of fertilization on 1400 hectares of rice fields, with the assistance of Ecodevelopment, translates into a 20% reduction in nitrogen inputs every year, and how this, in an economy of scale, could be a good environmental practice for the whole of rice farming in Greece.
See more on yesterday’s event in the relevant aticle of Macedonia Press here.
Event flyer