5th Ecodevelopment Webinar in collaboration with the Region of Crete and the Panhellenic Association of Public Health Supervisors

The 5th webinar of Ecodevelopment, co-organized in cooperation with the Region of Crete and the Panhellenic Association of Public Health Supervisors, on “The contribution of public health supervisors in Integrated Mosquito Management Programmes”, was successfully held on Wednesday 30 October, with 160 attendees, of which 66 were from the public health supervisor sector.
The webinar was welcomed by:
  • Christos Hadjichristodoulou, Professor (University of Thessaly), President of the National Public Health Organization (EODY)
  • Christos Kleovoulou, Deputy Governor of the 7th Health Region of Crete.
  • Sandra Gewehr, Director of Research and Development of Ecodevelopment and President of the European Mosquito Control Association (EMCA)
You can watch the webinar proceedings on Ecodevelopment’s YouTube channel at the link below (with discrete windows per speaker):

To watch the previous Ecodevelopment webinars click here.