XIth European Mosquito Control Association (EMCA) Workshop in Mendrisio, Switzerland (2-4/12/2024)

Registrations have opened for the XIth European Mosquito Control Agency (EMCA) Workshop, which will take place between 2-4 December 2024 in Mendrisio, Switzerland, on “Dialogue with wings: communicating mosquito science effectively”.
The three-day seminar will focus on the following six topics: 1) Risk Communication, 2) Visual Communication, 3) Community Awareness, 4) Media Relations, 5) Stakeholder Communication, and 6) Funding for Communication.
Like every year, Ecodevelopment will have significant representation in the workshop, with the participation of more than five of its staff in addition to Mrs Sandra Gewehr, who is the current President of the European Mosquito Control Association.
For more information on the workshop, please refer to the EMCA publication here.