Wide aera mosquito control project of Central Macedonia Region: Public informative event in 4/6/2022 in the area of White Tower of Thessaloniki

The two-day informative event organized by the Region of Central Macedonia on the mosquito control project that is in progress, on Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 June 2022, in the area of the White Tower, has been completed.

The aim of the event was to inform citizens about the major mosquito control project implemented by the Region of Central Macedonia and to inform the public on the responsibility of all of us, both to avoid the creation of mosquito breeding sites in our area, and to protect ourselves from their bites.

The official opening of the event took place on Saturday 04/05 at 19.00 pm, with a concert of the #Thessaloniki Youth Band, consisting of 50 musicians. The Region was represented by the Regional Governor Apostolos Tzitzikostas, the Deputy Regional Governor of Public Health and Social Solidarity Melina Dermentzopoulou, Mrs. Anna Tomboulidou, Deputy Head of the General Directorate of Public Health and Social Solidarity.

As part of the event, during a campaign designed for children with the presence of stilts, young visitors had the opportunity to see up close, a specially constructed aquarium with live mosquito larvae as well as mosquito adults with the use of a stereoscope.

The event was organized by the General Directorate of Public Health and Social Care of the Region of Central Macedonia, under the coordination of the Director Mrs Anna Toboulidou, and the support and contribution of Ecodevelopment SA.